Talking Dolls


This is a story about an incident which happened with my friend who lives in Mumbai. He went to Pushkar Mela in Rajasthan, which is famous for its traditional display of culture, handicrafts and dances. He went there with his girlfriend and was strolling the small market area selling various old and antique things pertaining to Rajasthan culture and lifestyle.

There he saw a shop where an old lady with wrinkled face was selling traditional Rajasthani dolls. The old lady called for him as he appeared to be non-native of Rajasthan due to his appearance and clothes. He went to her shop and looked around, which was stacked with different kind of colorful dolls. He said that he is not sure of buying the dolls, and he doesn't know what to do with them, but the old lady insisted him to buy something from her as she is very poor and have not sold anything for the past few days.

Furthermore, he felt pity and selected a pair of Rajasthani Doll in which one was a mustache man and other one was his counterpart woman, but the old lady did not give him the pair he selected instead she went inside to the back side of the shop and brought another set of dolls. When my friend inquired that why didn't the lady give him the dolls which are hanging at the front, she said those dolls are only for display, and she gave him the best pair from the stock meant for sale.

My friend then gave the woman 100 bucks and left the store. Later he came back to his home in Mumbai where he lived with his parents. He gave the set of dolls to his mom, and she placed them on the wall in the living area. Nobody was suspicious of the dolls at first because these kinds of souvenirs were very common.

So, after few days, mother of my friend during late night hours heard some voices in the living area like two persons are talking among themselves. The voices were of a man and a woman trying to have a conversation in low whispers. She stood up and went to the living room and saw nothing abnormal, and as soon as she stepped into the room the voices stopped. She came back to her room and told the incident to her husband the next day, but the couple did not pay much attention to it and carried on with their daily routines.

The next night, My friend heard the same kind of voices, like a man and a woman is talking about something in his living room. He got up and went straight to the room where the voices were coming from and saw the dolls were sitting on his sofa. The male doll was on a different sofa, while the female doll was on the sofa next to him. He could not believe his eyes and was in utter shock, but the dolls were not talking and there was pin drop silence in the room. As his parents were asleep, and he thought that someone might be playing with the dolls as they also had a maid who comes in the evening to clean and do household work, so he thought that she might have kept the dolls like that. He then picked up the dolls and put them back on the wall. In the morning, he forgot to tell or ask his parents or the maid about the incident, as busy with some work.

In the night again, when everyone at his home was in their beds asleep. He heard loud noises of an argument from the living room, and this time his parents also heard the noises. Everyone got up from their beds and slowly moved to the living area, where they saw a state which took them off their feet. They were in utter shock and in a state of fear. The dolls were not on the wall and were sitting on different sofa like human beings. The whole family was panicking and then the father of my friend gathered the dolls put them in a plastic bag and took them outside near a garbage bin. Then everyone decided to get rid of the dolls in the morning as something is not right with them.

In the morning, when my friend and his family woke up, they were in sheer shock and fear by seeing one doll on the wall inside their living room. Nobody was able to believe their eyes. The other doll was nowhere to be found. The family was having some important work, so they left the home in the morning and decided to take care of the matter later on in the evening. They left the house together and locked it properly. When they got back in the evening, they saw both the dolls on the wall and were totally sure of paranormal behavior of the dolls. The mother of my friend asked him about all the details of the place where he got the dolls from. She told him to return the dolls to that old woman immediately, otherwise they will be in big trouble.

The next day my friend left for the Pushkar Village and found that old woman, She instantly recognized him and started welcoming him into her shop but when she saw he brought back the dolls she started panicking and asked him why he brought the dolls back, but my friend did not utter a single world and threw the dolls inside her shop and ran back to his car. The old woman kept on shouting and asking some questions, but he did not listen to her and kept on running towards his car. He finally drove back to Mumbai and did not tell anyone about the incident for several months. 

When his and his parent's life got normal he found courage to share the incident with me as I have encountered paranormal and demonic stuff all my life which I will share in coming days. This whole incident is a classic example of demons or spirits possessing things, and then some bad human beings helping these unnatural entities attain their desires.

Now, I will tell you the reason and procedure behind selling or giving things which are possessed by negative energy. So, these bad people summons negative energies for their personal agendas and in return help them attain their motive of possessing other human or feeding on the life force of other innocent human beings. Firstly, these people will try to change the ownership of the item in which a ghost or spirit has been summoned like this a connection would be formed between that item and new owner of the item and then the entire cycle of paranormal activity begins which ends with either death, physical possession of the new owner or engagement of new owner of the items in things which he did not even imagine doing or performing.

In modern world it is very easy for demons or spirits or ghost to attain their motives as most of the people do not believe in them and this gives these entities an upper hand to get on with their sinister motives. Physical possession of a human being is seen as a mental disorder these days, and who knows how many people possessed with demons are locked up inside mental asylums. 

May god have mercy on our souls. Take care.



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